Saturday, 24 April 2010

CISV Israel Minicamp

Hey All,

So after a fun weekend doing some different stuff I will now continue to tell you what happend. On thursday Adi was coming, one day earlier then usual because everynowandthen you get thursdays of in the army. She thought she was coming around 2-3 so we planned to go to the beach and maybe ran some errands. It turned out however that the army need Adi and friends to sit around the base and do not so much. She instead came home around 8, but when she got home I had made her dinner. So we had a nice evening anyways. Something new and interesting about this country that I have discovered in the last days has been to go get the mail, might not sound so fun but I'll tell you why. When I've been out running in the neighbourhood I've never seen a single mailbox infront of a house and that got it's explanation this wednesday when Maya handed me the keys to the their postbox which is at the local postoffice next to a small grocery store some 10 minutes walking from the house. At the post office all the boxes for the entire neighbourhood is located so there was a lot of boxes.

On Friday we did ran the errands we couldn't do on thursday and visited Adi's grandma in the hospital again, she is feeling much better. Later in the day we drove to the Kihbutz Givat Haviva to visit the CISV Israel MiniCamp for kids in the ages of 10-15. It was a lot of fun and I actually ran into two of the participants, Roi and Hila, from Israeli delegation that I had in the village that I staffed in Denmark in 2007. It was fun seeing them again unfortunately the other 2 couldn't make it to this camp and Dani who was their leader was stuck in Jerusalem. As me and Adi hadn't been planing any of the activities that took place in this camp we just sort of floated around and helped with what ever was needed, and I also got to buy new CISV-Israel comfy pants. They are awesome! On saturday midday we came back to Haifa and drove past the hospital to check on Adi's grandma and talked to her for some time. We also picked up the mail and later in the evening cooked food for Adi to take to army, she only has roughly two weeks left of training and then she will find out where they are going to place her and exactly what she will be doing.

Today I plan to run if my knee will let me, but also to learn some hebrew and in the evening sit down and listen to IF Elfsborg beat Trelleborgs FF =)
Til you read again,

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